Sunday, March 31, 2013

Surprise treat

Every night, before we bed ourselves down, I leave out a bowl of milk for the fairies. Steve thinks it's silly and a waste, but my Grandmother passed the tradition on to me. She told me that in the time before the caves, people often left offerings for the fay folk. Even people who didn't believe! In the time of the caves, things became very scarce, so the ones who didn't believe stopped the offerings. Many of those bloodlines have now been lost. The ones who kept the old traditions were protected, and even helped by the fay. Whether or not that's true, or just the ramblings of an old woman, I don't know. But, I do know we sometimes enjoy secret visits by the fay.

It is true that most of the time the milk is gone come morning, with footprints in the dirt belonging to any number of animals. Usually the cat. But sometimes, the milk is gone, no footprints left behind, and something else in it's place!

This morning we awoke to sugared petals. We've decided to use some of our precious sugar to make a cake and put the petals on it. I can hardly wait for evening meal!

Which brings me to our next surprise of the morning- all the chickens are laying again! One of our girls keeps us in eggs no matter what is happening in the world. But the others... well, sometimes they need a bit of convincing. But while Ian was waiting for morning meal, he came across not 1, not 2, but 5 eggs! This evening's meal will be a veritable feast.

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