Friday, February 22, 2013


Yesterday was a day of work. The weather was a puzzle of showers; the pieces of cloud outlined by the sun who peeked his face out now and again to promise to come back soon. We spent our time making necessary repairs to the planting cart. The buds on the wild plants are beginning to form, which means it's just about time to start our spring plantings.

The sun must have won his battle sometime in the night, because this morning he lived up to his promise. The sky is a pure blue dome overhead, seeming to stretch on forever. The sun once again has his spring warmth, and is filling the grasses with an illumination that almost seems to come from within the delicate shoots themselves. There are still droplets of dew clinging to the greenery, but the sun makes that even seem magical. Everything is sparkling and new and wonderful. I told the kids not to roam too far as this is just the sort of morning the fairies will love as well. They just rolled their eyes at me and went running off to the creek down the valley.

Everything seems to be waking up again! We had so many birds serenading us this morning that Steve had a sudden inspiration. He disappeared into the wagon, emerging a short time later with his guitar. So, with his gentle strums, and the birds singing, I danced for my morning meal. It's funny how the Spring can make you feel so alive again.

We'll be planting most of our seeds today. It's a bit nerve wracking as we could yet still get a freeze or two in the next few months. Such is life.

Today is promising to be a good day!

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